

May 30, 2023

AEW Dynamite Results: Six

AEW Dynamite

June 7th, 2023

By: John Siino

Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs, CO

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana)

According to the graphics, the Embassy seems to have dropped ‘Mogul’ from their name as Prince Nana, Brian Cage & the Gates of Agony walk Swerve Strickland out before the wrestlers head to the back. Orange Cassidy's back is heavily taped up as commentary brings up his non-stop title defenses that have done damage to his body. They start the match trading pin attempts as Swerve tries to hold Orange down and pull him away from the ropes. Orange comes back by stretching Swerve while resting his elbow on his back before bending back Swerve's hand. They go back and forth before Orange ducks, sending Swerve to the outside but Swerve taunts Orange to come out by putting his hands in his pocket. Swerve starts tossing Orange against the barricades before slamming his hand against the ring post. Swerve catches Orange off the top rope, as they spilled to the outside. Orange holds on and turns it into a hurricanrana, before diving to Swerve on the outside. Orange follows with a diving cross-body before they start fighting on the top rope. Swerve goes crashing to the floor as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they go back and forth until Orange is unable to lift Swerve up for the Beach Break. Orange comes back with the Stundog Millionaire, Swerve hits a Flatliner as they are both laid out. More back and forth until Orange hits a DDT for a two-count. Swerve catches Orange off the top rope and hits him with a Death Valley Driver on the apron. They keep fighting on the apron, as Orange hits three kicks before hitting a DDT from the steps to the floor. Orange sends Swerve back inside where he hits him with a diving DDT for another two-count. Prince Nana gets on the apron, but Orange dodges him as Nana and Swerve go crashing. Orange follows with the Orange Punch and Beach Break, but Swerve still kicks out at two. Orange tries a diving DDT to the outside, but Swerve catches him and hits the Brainbuster. Swerve sends Orange back inside as they go back and forth a bit until Swerve hits the House Call kick, goes to the top rope, and hits the diving foot stomp, but Orange still kicks out at two. They go back and forth with roll-ups a bit until Orange holds on to the tights for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy by pinfall at 15:45, to retain

Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony run out and start attacking Orange before the lights go out. When they come back on, we see Darby Allin and Sting in the ring, as The Embassy has escaped to the outside.

We have a video package with Ricky Starks and Jay White discussing tonight's main event where Juice Robinson & FTR are banned from ringside.

No Rain In The Desert

Bryan Danielson comes out, as we see a video of Kazuchika Okada highlighting with video of Danielson's challenge to him for Forbidden Door. Danielson joins commentary as Excalibur says the match is official. Danielson gets upset that Okada was called a ‘once in a lifetime performer’ as he is himself and will prove that he's better than Okada ever was.

CHAOS (Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta)

Excalibur gives an explanation of why they are going by CHAOS and their connection to Okada, in case anybody watching is confused. As Blackpool Combat Club is making their way out, Chuck Taylor tosses a chair into Jon Moxley's face as Rocky Romero jumps off the top rope onto Claudio Castagnoli. Taylor and Wheeler Yuta start the match officially, as Taylor hits a piledriver right away, but Claudio breaks up the pin attempt. Trent Beretta pulls Yuta off the apron, as all types of action are happening now with the camera unfortunately not catching it all. CHAOS starts triple-teaming on Moxley until Taylor and Moxley are the legal men. Danielson starts screaming on commentary on how they didn't even go for the cover. Yuta trips up Taylor, as Moxley hits him with a cutter before tagging in Claudio. BCC takes control, with Yuta covering Taylor for a two-count before we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Beretta gets hot-tagged in and goes right after Moxley with a backdrop suplex. Everybody gets offense in before Romero and Beretta stop Moxley with a double knee, Roppongi Vice style, and hang Moxley on the ropes where Romero dives onto him. Beretta hits Moxley with a knee as Romero gets a two-count. Moxley and Beretta go back and forth as the Best Friends hit the Strong Zero. Claudio breaks up the pin attempt and then gets sent to outside. Romero puts Moxley in an arm bar, as Beretta tries a moonsault on Claudio but he stops it with an uppercut. Moxley turns the armbar into a rear naked choke on Romero, as Yuta keeps Taylor down with elbows as Romero taps out.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) by submission at 8:14

Hung Bucks Challenge

We go to the ‘Hung Bucks’ backstage as Brandon Cutler tells Adam Page & the Young Bucks that they are live. Page says he didn't see the BCC match but it ‘sounded’ great. Page talks about next week being in Washington, D.C. where Dynamite began and Anarchy in the Arena was only the beginning and challenge BCC but without Danielson or Konosuke Takeshita. Danielson on commentary accepts on their behalf and says next week in Washington, D.C. it will be the ‘Hung Bucks’ last television appearance.

We see a video package for the Kenny Omega vs. Will Ospreay match at Forbidden Door for the IWGP United States Championship.

I Think Vince Was Right

MJF heads to the ring and right away tells them to cut his music and says he knows everybody here in Colorado has smoked their brain cells away and tells the drug addicts to keep their mouths shut when he talks. MJF says he nearly offed himself when he was told he was contractually required to be here, as this place sucks. MJF continues saying that he is bored because there is no competition in this company. The crowd chants that he sucks so he tells them that their mother swallows and that nobody is on the level of the devil as Adam Cole's music hits.

MJF has the music cut tho before Cole can do his ‘boom’ which gets boos from the crowd. MJF says he's excited as finally there is some noteworthy competition for the champ and says he's a big fan of Cole. MJF talks about when CM Punk went and left him he thought his fandom for wrestling was gone before saying he flipped to Ring of Honor. MJF asks if the crowd has heard of ROH and agrees with them that ROH sucks, but before he could switch the channel out walked Adam Cole. MJF says he was instantly hooked and got as much tape on Cole as he could get his hands on from his time in CZW and every top independent company before going to Florida where he ‘shocked the system’. Cole was so good he became Shawn Michaels guy’ and become the top guy in NXT and ‘undisputed’. The crowd chants ‘mark’ at MJF as MJF says he followed his footsteps and went to CZW, the Indies, and then signed to AEW and knew Cole would make the jump over so they could have the rivalry of a lifetime. MJF says then ‘This guy showed up’ and asked what happened to Cole as he used to be the Panama Playboy and now he's the Panama GameBoy playing Twitch, hiding from the sun and looking like Gollum as Britt Baker leaves the house with his balls in her purse and asked if he didn't use to have the body of a champion. And now Cole is so frail he makes crack whores jealous. MJF hears the people saying that AEW isn't showcasing Cole properly and says they don't know what they are talking about as the company has done everything to make Cole look cool and what they do to make MJF cool is they ‘ring the freaking bell’. MJF starts naming his accomplishments and calls himself the best wrestler on God's green earth he has beaten every single top guy and said he read a rumor that the reason he came to AEW was that a certain somebody in Titan Towers didn't think Cole had top guy potential and that name was Vince McMahon, as he calls himself a big fan of Vince. MJF thought Vince was wrong but now that he's standing eye-to-eye with Cole he thinks ‘Vince was right’.

Cole gets on the mic and asks if that's the best MJF got and he's coming across like a toxic social media troll. Cole says he’ll brush over the Britt part as she can beat the hell out of him and asks what his obsession with other people's relationships is and brings up MJF's fiance leaving him and he can't hold a relationship if his life depends on it. Cole says he finally figured it out and calls MJF a ‘world-class douchebag’. Cole brings up his body as something he heard before and moves onto his ‘body of work’ with the matches he's had, interviews he's done and the world championship reigns he's had that MJF can't touch. Cole then proposes they go backstage, piss in a couple of cups and see who's natural and who's not which gets a big pop from the crowd. Cole says they are nothing alike because for 15 years he has traveled the globe and the boys and girls back there respect him, the human being Adam Cole. MJF on the other hand doesn't have a single person who respects him as they think he's selfish, lazy, and does the bare minimum to collect his paycheck. The crowd chants ‘no respect’ as MJF says he’ll cry into all his money about it and says that's a whole lot of talk coming from Keith Lee's manager. Cole says that's a false narrative and if MJF was a real champion he would tell him to shut his mouth and fight him, but he won't as he's a coward, as the crowd chants ‘coward’ at MJF. Cole says that's not worth it as he knows he's wasting his breath and if there's anything MJF should remember is that MJF won't fight him because he's better than him and they know it. MJF yells at Cole not to turn his back on him and says he’ll wrestle him any day of the week and beat his ass. Cole says it looks like they have themselves a match and finally gets to do his ‘Adam Cole, bay bay’ pose.

A Better Man

We see footage of Matt Hardy gaining Ethan Page's contract after their win over him at Double or Nothing. We go to the Hardy's and Isiah Kassidy as they bring out the newest member to their party Ethan Page. Jeff Hardy says he loved the ‘Moan Event’ idea and says Page owes Kassidy an apology. Page does and shakes Kassidy's hand, as Matt says he won't make Page's life a living hell and wants to make him a decent human being. Matt says when it's all said and done he can make Page a better man and it’ll be a lot of fun.

Texas Tornado Tag Match: Hook & Jack Perry vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (Dralistico & Preston Vance) (w/ Jose the Assistant)

As Hook and Jack Perry are making their entrance, they get attacked from behind by Dralistico (in his Dynamite debut match) & Preston Vance. Jose the Assistant tries to get involved with a chain, but as Hook chases after him he gets taken out by Vance with a clothesline. Dralistico starts using a cable on Perry, as Hook and Vance start fighting in the crowd. Perry starts choking away at Dralistico with the cable while trying to tear his mask off. Vance takes control of Hook as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Hook sends Vance back ringside and hits him with a flying forearm with the chain wrapped around his fist. We see that Dralistico had set up two tables ringside as Vance is all busted open from his head. Vance and Dralistico try to chokeslam Hook through the tables, but Hook reverses and suplexes Dralistico off. Vance comes right back with a discus lariat taking down Hook. Vance starts choking Hook on the ropes with the chain, but Perry stops it with a chair shot to Vance's head. Hook follows this with a T-Bone Suplex to Vance through the tables on the outside as Perry hits Dralistico with a DDT on the chair. Jose breaks up the pinfall attempt and takes off his shirt, but Hook is behind him and puts on the Redrum. Perry stops Dralistico and puts on the Snare Trap as Dralistico taps out.

Winners: Hook & Jack Perry by submission at 8:56

Collision's Main Event

We go to Tony Khan's announcement as he talks about the first-ever main event for AEW Collision on June 17th and announces it’ll be Jay White, Juice Robinson & Samoa Joe vs. FTR & CM Punk.

Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis) vs. Damon Ace

Konosuke Takeshita and Don Callis walk out to no music as we have an impromptu match. While the match is happening we see footage of what Takeshita did to Kenny Omega. Callis tells Takeshita to hit the Power Drive knee strike which he does for the quick win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita by pinfall at 1:29

Cut The Cancer

Don Callis gets on the mic as the boos rain down. Takeshita speaks but also gets booed as Callis says you might not want to hear it but he's here to tell you the truth about Kenny Omega. Everything Omega has in his life is because of Callis and this is all Kenny's fault. Everything The Elite has is because of him and Kenny beat Ospreay because of him. Omega has been like a cancer in his body and you cut cancers out. And he will cut The Elite out of this company. Almost word for word the same promo he did with his sitdown with Jim Ross.

Early Father's Day Present

Alex Marvez is knocking on Christian Cage's locker room as we wear Luchasaurus yelling inside. Cage says Arn Anderson cost him the championship and he is the uncrowned TNT Champion. Arn took something from him and now it's time to take something from him and says his son Brock got him an early Father's Day present as we see a bloody Brock Anderson laid out inside the locker room.

AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Anna Jay AS (w/ Matt Menard)

They go to the mat right away, where Kris Statlander gets out of a headscissors and puts on a side headlock. Anna Jay AS tries to get out, but Statlander takes her right down as Matt Menard yells to the referee to ‘watch the choke’. They tussle a bit until Statlander powers out with a backdrop, and runs the ropes, but Anna escapes to the outside. Statlander keeps chasing her in and out of the ring before Menard gets in Statlander's face and asks what she will do about it. Statlander stops a kick attempt from Jay and hits her with a roundhouse kick and a shoulder tackle for a two-count. Jay dodges a running Statlander in the corner and hits her with a roundhouse kick to the back, keeps stomping on her as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Statlander is attacking Anna in the corner and hits a power slam for a two count as Taya Valkyrie is looking on very angrily at this match from backstage. Statlander gets on the top rope, but Menard gets on the apron and distracts her as Anna takes her down and drives her face down for a two-count. They go back and forth until Statlander hits a discus lariat, but Menard gets on the apron yet again as Anna rolls up Statlander and puts on the Queen Slayer. Statlander powers her way up and takes her off with a snap mare. Statlander follows with a lariat/backbreaker combo and a Tombstone piledriver for the pin.

Winner: Kris Statlander by pinfall at 8:25, to retain

Rampage Line-Up

We have a promo from Toni Storm (with Ruby Soho) talking about the winner of the 4-way getting a title shot in the home of the first-ever Dynamite where the first-ever Women's Champion was crowned.

Dynamite Line-Up

Ricky Starks vs. Jay White

Ricky Starks attacks Jay White as he's making his entrance down to the ring, before sending him back inside as the match starts. Juice Robinson and FTR are banned from ringside for this match. They continue fighting ringside as Taz & Excalibur randomly start talking about the Stanley Cup Finals while promoting the game tomorrow on TNT. Starks starts looking under the ring before moving the steel steps around, but he notices White is up the ramp and follows him up there. Tony Schiavone hilariously refers to Paul Turner as ‘referee Paul Wight’ as Starks and White sort of bumble their way back down as White starts moving the steps around again before they head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, White is chopping Starks in the corner but Starks is able to fight back with punches and whips White in the corner. White blocks a DDT attempt, and puts Starks on the top rope, and hits a superplex for a two-count. Stark blocks s a Blade Runner attempt and hit a jumping lariat and a DDT off the ropes for a two-count. White blocks a Rochambeau and hits a uranage for a two-count. They go back and forth a bit until Starks hits the spear followed by the Rochambeau, but Paul Turner gets taken out as a result. The Gunns run out and take out Starks at 4:10 to Yuma. White takes advantage and hits the Blade Runner on Starks for the pin.

Winner: Jay White by pinfall at 13:32

Juice Robinson runs out and celebrates with White.

AEW Dynamite AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) No Rain In The Desert CHAOS (Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) Hung Bucks Challenge I Think Vince Was Right A Better Man Texas Tornado Tag Match: Hook & Jack Perry vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (Dralistico & Preston Vance) (w/ Jose the Assistant) Collision's Main Event Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis) vs. Damon Ace Cut The Cancer Early Father's Day Present AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Anna Jay AS (w/ Matt Menard) Rampage Line-Up Dynamite Line-Up Ricky Starks vs. Jay White